Press Release

Why You Should Be Worried About Legacy Integration Codebases and Engineers Leaving

Peter Jung
July 15, 2024
minute read
When engineers leave, they take away invaluable knowledge and experience. The challenging aspect of integration code is that this knowledge and experience are often the most time-consuming parts to acquire. To the agony of SaaS management, most engineers fail to document the process adequately for future hires.

Typically, programmers switch jobs every two years or so. This timeframe is often when they max out their learning in a given role, team, or tech stack. This frequent turnover is one of the biggest reasons for stagnation in integration and usability growth.

The Challenge for New Hires

When a new engineer joins a SaaS company, they are often greeted by a complex web of existing app integrations. Here are some key challenges they encounter:

  1. Learning the 3rd-party API Documentation Each service integrated into the company’s system comes with its own set of API documentation. New hires must spend considerable time familiarizing themselves with these documents. This process is not only time-consuming but also essential to understanding how each app communicates and functions within the larger ecosystem.
  2. Deciphering Legacy Code Understanding the code written by a previous engineer is a daunting task. Legacy code is often undocumented or poorly documented, making it difficult to grasp its logic and flow. New engineers must invest a significant amount of effort to decipher this code before they can effectively contribute to its maintenance or improvement.
  3. Fear of Breaking the Code New engineers are often hesitant to modify legacy code. The fear of introducing bugs or breaking existing functionality can lead to a conservative approach where necessary changes are delayed or avoided altogether. This hesitation can slow down progress and innovation within the company.
  4. Rewriting Integrations After weeks or even months of attempting to understand and work with the legacy code, new hires may opt to rewrite the integrations from scratch. This approach, while potentially leading to cleaner and more efficient code, requires a substantial investment of time and resources. Moreover, it does not guarantee that future hires won't face the same challenges, perpetuating a cycle of inefficiency.
  5. The Cycle Repeats Given the high turnover rate in the tech industry, it is likely that the new engineer will leave after a year or two. The next hire will then face the same set of challenges, leading to a repetitive and costly cycle of learning, hesitation, rewriting, and turnover.

The Management Perspective

From a management standpoint, these challenges translate into several issues that impact the overall efficiency and productivity of the company:

  1. Increased Onboarding Time and Costs The time and resources required to bring new engineers up to speed with the existing app integrations are significant. This extended onboarding period can delay projects and affect the company's ability to deliver timely updates and improvements to its services.
  2. Risk of Code Degradation As engineers hesitate to modify or improve legacy code, the quality and performance of the integrations can degrade over time. This stagnation can lead to technical debt, making future changes even more difficult and costly.
  3. Inefficient Resource Allocation The repetitive cycle of rewriting integrations means that engineers are often focused on solving the same problems repeatedly, rather than innovating and adding new value to the company’s offerings. This inefficient use of talent and resources can hinder the company's growth and competitiveness.
  4. Maintaining Consistency Ensuring consistency across different integrations is challenging when each new hire brings their own approach and style to the codebase. This lack of standardization can lead to inconsistencies and potential integration issues down the line.
  5. Slow Business Growth with Integrations Since only limited features are available through integration, it may not be enough to validate the business potential of having integrations as part of the product. The SaaS company may fall behind competitors who are increasing users with robust third-party app integrations.

A Strategic Approach to Integration Management

To break this cycle, SaaS companies need to adopt a strategic approach to managing their app integration codebase:

  1. Invest in Documentation Comprehensive and up-to-date documentation can significantly reduce the onboarding time for new engineers. Investing in clear documentation practices ensures that legacy code is easier to understand and maintain.
  2. Standardize Integration Practices Developing a standardized approach to app integrations can help maintain consistency and reduce the learning curve for new hires. This can include coding standards, best practices, and reusable components.
  3. Utilize Embeddable Integration Platforms Leveraging third-party integration platforms like Interactor can simplify the integration process and reduce the burden on in-house engineers. These platforms offer pre-built connectors and manage tokens, minimizing the learning needed by the engineers and making integrations more manageable and less dependent on individual engineers' expertise.
  4. Foster a Collaborative Culture Encouraging collaboration and knowledge sharing among engineers can help mitigate the risks associated with turnover. Pair programming, code reviews, and regular team meetings can ensure that knowledge is distributed and not siloed with individual engineers.
  5. Plan for Scalability As the company grows, so will its integration needs. Planning for scalability from the outset can help ensure that the integration infrastructure can handle increased demand without requiring constant rewrites.

By addressing these challenges proactively, SaaS companies can create a more efficient and sustainable approach to managing their app integrations. This not only benefits new hires by providing a more navigable codebase but also enhances the overall productivity, growth, and agility of the company.

#technicaldebt #legacycode #appintegration